- Besitzer: Familie Klemm in Pfaffroda Hallbach
- Erfolge: 1x Nominiert für Best in Show, 1 x Best in Show, 2 Sonderpreise
Nils hat seine Menschen gesucht, auf sie gewartet und sie haben ihn nicht enttäuscht. Er wird das Leben von Familie Klemm in Pfaffroda Hallbach teilen und seinen Katzenhimmel genießen. Eine Genießerschmusewoche bleibt uns noch.Unser kleiner Pfiffikus wird uns fehlen.
There has been an enquiry for Nils. The interested family lives in Marienberg and has taken a lot of time at the show there to get to know him. Nils seemed to enjoy that a lot. Despite his habit to rather hide, when we had visitors, he was all excited and out and around. Let’s see, how the live of the little show cat will continue… Yes, he is starting to show his qualities, seems to have got the genes of his mother Bonanza for show and the uneasiness of his sister Natalie did not confuse him a bit.